The Pros & Cons of Well Water
It is estimated that about 15 million people in the United States rely on well water for their drinking, cooking and bathing needs. Found primarily on rural properties, wells provide an abundant source of water and bring both advantages and disadvantages to the homeowner. Tri-Florida Water Treatment of Auburndale, FL, would like to share some of the pros and cons of using well water.
Well water 101
Well water is natural water that is accessed by drilling into a permanent rock layer and using a pump system to transport the water into a home. Unlike municipal water supplies, which serve homes in most areas of the county, well water is untreated, filtered only by the soil and rock through which it passes.
Well water advantages
Abundant water: With a well, your water supply is however much water is in the local ground. This is usually far more than enough for all your needs.
Economical: Well water is the least-expensive way to bring water into your home.
Zero chlorine: The water you use from a well is natural, untreated water. You won’t experience the taste and smell of chlorine the way municipal water customers often do. (But lack of treatment can have its drawbacks – see below.)
Long life: Wells usually perform for 30 to 50 years.
Well water drawbacks
Contaminants: Bacteria, lead, arsenic and other contaminants can be an issue with untreated well water. Municipal sources use chlorine and other chemicals to treat their water. Well water is straight from the ground and unprotected.
Bad taste: Unfiltered well water sometimes has a sulfur-like taste due to high levels of iron.
Stains, spots and buildups: The hard water that comes directly from wells can leave spots on dishes and cookware. It can also cause scale buildups around faucets.
Maintenance: It’s recommended that users of well water perform a yearly bacteria check with a test kit. The system should have regular inspections. Pumps typically need replacing every 10 years.
Electrical dependency: Well water pumps run on electricity. If there’s a power outage, there’s a water outage.
How to effectively treat well water
The best way to enjoy well water is to have it properly filtered before it reaches your home. Modern water filtration systems provide thorough filtering of many of the contaminants that are often found in well water, including bacteria, calcium, magnesium, iron and more.
A water softener can also be beneficial by removing the chemicals that lead to hard water issues, such as bad taste, spots on dishes and heavy buildups around water faucets.
Choosing the right system for your home
Tri-Florida Water Treatment works with a lot of Florida homeowners who rely on well water. We’ve been in business for more than 30 years and can give you the information you need to select the ideal water treatment system for your home.
We install top-line water filtration systems along with the most advanced water softening systems. If well water is a problem for you and your family, our expert technicians know how to solve it and bring you safe, clean and great-tasting water. Speak with a water professional today at (863) 965-1439 or get in touch with our simple contact form.