Are you eating organic food but drinking tap water?

clean waterDo you buy organic groceries because you are concerned about pesticides and herbicides? If you are worried about the health risks of consuming chemicals from pesticides and herbicides, you should also be concerned about drinking unfiltered tap water.

Pesticides and herbicides have been linked to many health conditions including Alzheimer’s Disease, ADHD, cancer, and birth defects. The chemicals in them can harm your endocrine system, nervous system, and reproductive system. Growing children and fetuses are most susceptible to the negative effects. Eating fruit and vegetables that have been farmed with pesticides and herbicides isn’t the only way that you can consume these harmful chemicals. They may also be in your water.

Runoff from fields often finds its way into local water sources bringing with it chemicals used to make pesticides and herbicides. For example, the US Geological Survey found nine nematicides in all Midwestern rivers due to farm runoff. You can find out some of the chemicals that may be hiding in your water by checking out the local water quality report.

All water providers in the U.S. are obligated to test the water they provide and disclose the findings to the public in a local water quality report. Keep in mind, when you view the report, that only regulated chemicals will be listed like the pesticide atrazine. Many unregulated chemicals won’t be listed like nematicides which chemicals are used on farms to kill nematodes. On top of chemicals from pesticides and herbicides, city water often contains pharmaceuticals that may have negative side effects. The best way to know what is in your water is to have it tested. If you live in Polk County Florida, you can have your water analyzed for free by Tri-Florida Water Treatment.

Drinking unfiltered tap water can negate the benefits of eating organic foods. Buying bottled water isn’t a safer solution to avoid contaminates. Studies have found that many brands of bottled water contain the same contaminants as tap water. Bottled water is much more detrimental to the environment. Approximately 3 liters of water are needed to produce just 1 liter of bottled water. It requires around 17 million barrels of oil annually to meet the U.S.’s demand for bottled water. Most of those bottles will end up in landfills or oceans.

If you are seriously concerned about the harm of consuming chemicals from pesticides, and herbicides, a water filter is the best solution. Carbon water filters for drinking water can effectively remove many harmful contaminants. The best solution is a whole home water filtration system. Harmful chemicals can also find their way into your body when you bathe. Hot water and steam make your pores open up. As your shower, your body can absorb harmfully contaminates through your pores. Investing in a whole home water filtration system ensures that all the water you drink, wash in and cook with is free of contaminates.

Contact Tri-Florida Water Treatment if you want to learn more about a whole home water filtration system! We are the Department of Environmental Protection Certified Water Plant Operators. 863-965-1439