How Long Does It Take to Fill a Reverse Osmosis Storage Tank?

The popularity of Reverse Osmosis (RO) water filtration is rising. RO filters are extremely good at removing contaminants from water, including toxins like arsenic, hexavalent chromium, nitrates or nitrites, copper, radium, and salt. The most common question we hear from people interested in RO system is, “How long does it take for the storage tank to fill up?”

Water Storage Installation In most cases, the answer is 2 to 4 hours for a standard 2.8 gallon RO tank. It depends on three factors: water pressure, RO system type and filter age.

Before diving into these three factors, you need to understand why RO systems require a water storage tank. Reverse osmosis is a slow water purification process compared to carbon filtration. That’s why it’s essential for a RO system to have a storage tank. If your RO system didn’t have a storage tank, you might have to wait 5 or 10 minutes for clean water to flow out of your tap. The purification system kicks on whenever water leaves the tank to ensure there is always purified water available.

Your RO filter may not be able to keep up with your water usage if it fills too slowly.

That’s why it’s important to keep these three factors in mind:

Water Pressure

If your plumbing system has low water pressure (40 psi or below), the RO storage tank won’t fill as quickly.

It should be able to keep up with your demand if your water pressure is between 45 psi and 80 psi. The optimal water pressure for a RO system is 60 psi. If your water pressure is too low, you might need to add a booster to your RO system to ensure the tank fills fast enough to keep up with your water usage.

Type of RO System

How quickly the storage tank fills will also depend on the type of filter you have. Some RO systems are designed to load faster than others. When you compare different RO systems, make sure to check out the GPD or gallons per day. In other words, how much-purified water they are designed to produce per day. A RO system designed to produce 100 GPD will fill it’s storage tank twice as fast as an RO system designed to produce 50 GPD.

Sink Water Filtration System In Florida

Filter Age

As your filter ages, the length of time it takes for the storage tank to fill will change. Older RO filters take longer to purify water because the filter becomes clogged. The flow rate can even slow to a trickle if the filter is too clogged or fouled. Reverse osmosis filters should be changed around every 24 months to continue operating efficiently.

Want to learn more about RO water filtration solutions? Browse through our blog or give us a call! The experts on our team at Tri-Florida Water Treatment are always willing to answer customer questions. Our family-owned business has been serving customers in Polk County and beyond for over 35 years. We are committed to helping our customers find the best solution to ensure their water is safe and refreshing.